
This is not a blog about stuff that’s solely comprised of and smells like hemp.  It is also not to suggest drastic and painful lifestyle changes that include growing more body hair and smelling funny. My inspiration for starting Baby Gone Green is to help you identify safe and attractive product, service and lifestyle options for you, your home and, most importantly, your baby.

  • Are those cute Serena and Lily swaddle blankets toxic?
  • What is PVC or a paraben and why should I care?
  • Where can I find a chemical-free equivalent of this cheap formaldehyde-covered toy my kid is obsessed with?
  • Is it safe to steam-clean my carpets?
  • Seen any good deals lately on posh organic baby clothes?

This is the information I’ll share in palatable format.

I started this blog 7 days from the date my first baby was due. The amount of research I’ve had to do to find decent, attractive baby products to register for and to make safer choices to ‘de-tox’ our bodies and home has been amazing. Like most people, I work full time and have a busy life. The only reason I’ve been lucky enough to find the time to do all this work is that I was put on bed rest. My husband suggested I start writing to share with other busy people that don’t want to reinvent the wheel in order to cut back on carcinogens and other harmful chemicals in their lives.

I started reading more about food, environmental toxins and health when I moved to San Francisco. The links between environmental dangers and chronic illnesses are astounding.  My husband and I can’t figure out how we’ve all become absolutely surrounded by toxins, plastics, synthetics and cancer-causing chemicals in everything from baby toys and pesticide-laden produce to skincare products and house cleaners. As it turns out, government regulation is non-existent for many of these items or conflicts of interest and sketchy agency decisions abound. The worst offenders are products labeled “natural” (which I’ve learned means nothing) that still contain phthalates, parabens and other carcinogenic ingredients.

Pregnancy has only intensified my research.

I should mention that I am not a hippy. Not that I don’t love hippies, I do. Especially my mother-in-law (love you Carol!). But I’m a recovering lawyer and I work in finance. Before this new hobby, I was happily buying Chanel lip glosses like chewing gum, using stupidly expensive hair products and straightening treatments and purchasing the occasional “cheap and chic” polyester dress from J. Crew. Let’s be honest, we’ve all poked our head into Wet Seal or Forever 21 now and then too when our inner J-Lo is calling. (I’ve definitely lost at least two of my girlfriends with that statement.)

Trying to live a healthier lifestyle and provide the best for my family is going to be a lifelong passion. This much I know already:

One can only do their best.


Every little bit counts.

With that, welcome to Baby Gone Green.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. You must have oodles of energy or love piling things on! I look forward to your finds so I might help spread the word and share the opportunties. I will be thinking of you the next few days!

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